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Appendix - Material Data
download the Material data sheets used for the calculations.
Appendix - Pressure-temperature calculation
Reference ASME B16.34-2004
For the cold working pressure of NAB to ASTM B148 UNS C95800
Tensile strength, 85 000 psi
Yield strength, 35 000 psi
S1, selected stress is the lower of:
(1) 60% x yield = 60% x 35 000 psi = 21 000 psi
(2) 1.25 x 25% x tensile = 1.25 x 25% x 85 000 psi = 26 560 psi
Therefore S1= 21 000 psi
For class 150, pr=115 and C1=1
pst = C1S1 pr / 8750
pst = 1 x 21 000 x 115 / 8 750 = 276 psi, 19 bar
Appendix - References and Bibliography
1. ASME B16.24-2001, Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges and
Flanged Fittings: Classes 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500, American
Society of Mechanical Engineers.
2. ASME B16.34-2004, Valves – Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End,
American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
3. ASME B16.5-2003, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: NPS ½ Through
NPS24 Metric/Inch Standard, American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
4. ASTM B148-97(2003), Standard specification for Aluminium Bronze Sand
Castings, ASTM.
5. CDA, 1981, Aluminium Bronze Alloys Corrosion Resistance Guide, Publication
No. 80, Copper Development Association.
6. EN 1092-3:2003, Flanges and their joints – Circular flanges for
pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated – Part 3: Copper
alloy flanges, CEN.
7. EN 1759-3:2003, Flanges and their joints – Circular flanges for
pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, Class designated – Part 3:
Copper alloy flanges, CEN.
8. EN1982:1999, Copper and copper alloys – Ingots and castings, CEN.
9. ES/247, 2002, Supplementary Technical Requirements for the Supply of
Components in 6% Mo Austenitic, 22% Cr Duplex and 25% Cr Super Duplex Stainless
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10. Francis, R., 1999, ‘Coupling of superduplex stainless steel and
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1999, Vol 34 No 2, 139 – 144, IoM Communications.
11. Gallager, P., Malpas, R.P. & Shone, E.P., 1986, ‘Sea Water
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Available from www.avestapolarit.com.
12. HSE, 2003, Stress corrosion cracking of duplex stainless steel piping
systems in hot chloride service, Safety Notice 3/2003, Health and Safety
Executive, UK. Available from www.hse.gov.uk.
13. Hunt, J. R. & Bellware, M. D., 1967, ‘Ocean Engineering Hardware
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Conference, June 1967.
14. Kain, L.S., Marshall, D.G., Melton, D.G., Aylor, D.M., Hays, R.A. &
Ferrara, R.J., 2004, ‘Corrosion, galling and wear testing of duplex
and austenitic stainless steels for seawater valve applications’,
Valve World, Aug 2004, KCI.
15. Meigh, H., 2000, Cast and Wrought Aluminium Bronzes: Properties, Processes
and Structure, Copper Development Association / IOM Communications, London.
16. Norsok M-001, 2004, Norsok Standard M-001 Rev. 4 August, 2004 Material
Selection, Norsok, available from www.nts.no/norsok.
17. NPL, 1982, Guides to Good Practice in Corrosion Control – Pumps
and Valves, National Physical Laboratory.
18. Oldfield, J.W. & Masters, G.L., 1996, Collation of Data Comparing
Properties of Aluminium Bronze with Cast Stainless Steels and Ni-Resist
in Offshore Sea Water Environments, CDA publication 115, Copper Development
19. Smith, L., Celant, M., & Pourbaix, A., (2000), ‘A guideline
to the successful use of duplex stainless steels for flowlines’, Duplex
America 2000 conference, Stainless Steel World, KCI.
20. Todd, B., (?), Materials Selection for High Reliability Copper Alloy
Seawater Systems, available from www.copper.org.
21. Tuthill, A.H., 1987, ‘Guidelines for the use of copper alloys
in seawater’, Materials Performance, Vol 26 No 9 12-22, NACE, Houston,
Texas. Available from www.copper.org .
22. Tuthill, A.H., Schillmoller, C.M., 1965, ‘Guidelines for the Selection
of Marine Materials’, The Ocean Science and Ocean Engineering Conference,
June 1965, Marine Technology Society.
23. Tystad, M, 1997, ‘Application of duplex stainless steel in the
offshore industry’, Duplex Stainless Steels, 1997, Stainless Steel
World, KCI.
Several other material standards have been referred to in passing: identification by the standard number used should suffice.
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